Phi Delta Theta

Phi Delta Theta brothers are dedicated to helping each other become “greatest versions” of themselves. Established in 1848, the international brotherhood has initiated over 251,000 men and has over 180 chapters in the U.S. and Canada. Phi Delt is a pioneer in Greek life with several firsts, including becoming the first fraternity to have chapters in over 25 campuses. Members like Baseball Hall of Fame player Lou Gehrig and astronaut Neil Armstrong (first man to walk on the moon) are known to make history for themselves. 

Committed to values of Friendship, Sound Learning, and Rectitude, Phi Delts are passionate about impacting the lives of others. Phi Delta Theta has held amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) as a philanthropic cause. In honor of alumni Lou Gehrig who died of the disease, Phi Delta Theta founded the LiveLikeLou Foundation to create awareness, assist families impacted by ALS, and create centers for research. Brothers center their lives on making a difference, helping individuals and communities to thrive. 

You can shop for one-of-a-kind Greek fraternity gear and accessories at The Collegiate Standard! Our Phi Delta Theta jewelry and apparel line features cuff links, rings, tie clips, and lavalieres. Exclusively for Phi Delt brothers, our collection includes quality pieces for every occasion.

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