💝 GIFT OF SAVINGS – 15% OFF FOR ORDERS $50 and more!

💝 GIFT OF SAVINGS – 15% OFF FOR ORDERS $50 and more!

Alpha Xi Omicron

Alpha Xi Omicron sisters live by the Latin motto, Alis Volat Propriis: “She flies with her own wings.” Founded on March 9, 1927, the sisterhood has over 90 years of building lasting friendships, developing character, and creating lifelong memories. With a strong network of alumnae and collegiate chapters, members foster close relationships and remain involved in their communities before and after graduation. The college sorority has a passion for philanthropy and is involved in the fight against cancer. Members host events, community service opportunities, and fundraisers to spread awareness and support for cancer research. 

Sisters can represent Alpha Xi Omicron for years to come with The Collegiate Standard! Our Alpha Xi Omicron jewelry and accessory line features delicate pendants, lavalieres, and bracelets that can be dressed up or down. Select from our collection of AEO gifts and merchandise to find something special for yourself or a fellow sister! 

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